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常州宇捷新材料科技有限公司位于江苏省常州市,是一家专业从事设计、研发、生产、销售特种电线电缆和线束组件的高科技创新型企业。经过数年的快速发展,公司已成为产品规格最齐全的高端线缆和线束的公司之一,主要产品有:铁氟龙、硅橡胶、矿物绝缘耐高温电缆,零浮力电缆、同轴电缆,传感器电缆,耐火电缆,拖链柔性电缆,耐寒电缆等,主要面向航空航天、国防、海工、造船、工业自动化及科研等部门。产品可使用于高温、低温、高电压、强酸、强碱、高油污、强辐射及强电磁干扰等特殊环境。常州宇捷秉承“精准服务”的发展蓝图和“持续为客户创造核心竞争力”的经营理念,基于掌握的丰富行业经验,聘请上海电缆研究所、哈尔滨理工大学的专家担任技术顾问,目前已形成拥有多名中高级职称人员组成的研发团队,技术和产品达到同行业 地位。

常州宇捷以澎湃的激情、实现自我价值的强烈意愿为触发,以追寻“工业中国梦”的伟大梦想为动力,开拓进取,砥砺前行,坚持创新,矢志不移的为中国制造业提供高品质线缆和线束解决方案,助力中国制造业与世界接轨! Changzhou Yujie New Material Technology Co., Ltd., located in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, is a high-tech innovative enterprise specializing in the design, development, production and sales of special cables and harness components. During years of rapid development, Yujie has become one of the most complete high-end cable and harness companies. The main products include: Teflon/silicone rubber/mineral insulated high temperature cable, zero buoyancy cable, coaxial cable, sensor cable, fire resistant cable, chain flexible cable, cold resistant cable, etc., mainly for aerospace, defense, offshore, shipbuilding, industrial automation and scientific research departments. Products can be used in high temperature, low temperature, high voltage, strong acid, strong alkali, high oil, strong radiation and strong electromagnetic interference and other special environment.Changzhou Yujie adheres to the development blueprint of "precise service" and the business philosophy of "continuously creating core competitiveness for customers". Based on the rich industry experience, cooperates with Shanghai Cable Research Institute and Harbin Institute of technology as technical consultants, Yujie has a research and development team composed of a number of senior professional technical people, its technology and products have reached the leading position in the cables industry.


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