High temperature Teflon wire
M22759系列美军标线缆是符合美国机动工程师协会Society of Automotive Engineers(简称SAE)制定的SAE AS22759规范的一系列的线缆的总称,M22759(AS22759)线材是高性能、中温和高温连接线材,这些导线是为恶劣环境的航空航天应用而设计的,例如发动机控制区等,同时也适用于耐腐蚀耐高温等工作环境。
M22759 standard is the general term of a series of cables in line with SAE as22759 specifications formulated by society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). M22759 (as22759) wires are high-performance, medium temperature and high temperature connecting wires. These wires are designed for aerospace applications in harsh environment, such as engine control area, at the same time, they are also suitable for the environment, such as chemical resistance and high temperature resistance.
This article is from Changzhou Yujie New Material Technology Co., Ltd( http://www.czyujie.cn )Is a production of high and low temperature resistant Teflon cable company, if you need to reprint please indicate the source.