
  • 2021-07-13
  • 面议
  • 434 次
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  • 孙经理
  • 江苏省常州市新北区春江镇高圩塘永新路194号
  • 暂无




Nuclear cable generally refers to nuclear power plant cable. Nuclear power station cable refers to the raw materials used for insulation and sheath of nuclear power station cable, including plastic, rubber and other varieties. The type of cable is determined by the type of cable.

Class IE级 K1、 K3类电缆,Non-Class 1E级核电电缆,产品包括中压电力电缆、低压电力电缆、仪表电缆、测量和控制电缆、(低噪音)同轴和三同轴电缆等;产品累积耐辐照剂量能力可从250kGy到 1000kGy,具有60年使用寿命,低烟无卤阻燃,适用于安全壳内/外。

Nuclear cable:
Class 1E K1 and K3 cables, non class 1E nuclear power cables, including medium voltage power cables, low voltage power cables, instrument cables, measurement and control cables, low noise coaxial and triaxial cables, etc; The cumulative radiation dose resistance of the product can be from 250kGy to 1000kGy, with a service life of 60 years, low smoke and halogen-free flame retardant, suitable for inside / outside containment.


Changzhou Yujie New Material Technology Co., Ltd. (http://www.czyujie.cn) Is a Nuclear cable company. If you need to reprint, please indicate the source. ?


  • 常州宇捷新材料科技有限公司

  • 孙经理
  • 18151728583
  • 18151728583
  • yujie_lj@126.com
  • 江苏省常州市新北区春江镇高圩塘永新路194号